Cultivating Community

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“Seva” is a Sanskrit word meaning “selfless service” or work performed without any thought of reward or repayment. In ancient India seva was believed to help one’s spiritual growth and at the same time contribute to the improvement of a community. This is the art of giving with no need to receive, where the act itself is a gift to everyone involved. Seva is not just any kind of service, but rather selfless service performed with a sense of gratitude. It is service infused with kindness and respect for the ones served, and it arises from a place of peace and love.

Olaf says thank you to the young women of Soul Models who built this platform with reclaimed materials, teamwork and a little bit of elbow grease.

Olaf says thank you to the young women of Soul Models who built this platform with reclaimed materials, teamwork and a little bit of elbow grease.

Here are 5 easy ways you can practice SEVA in your everyday life:

  1. Be aware of opportunities to do small acts of kindness. Hold the door for someone, carry someone’s groceries, pay for the car behind you at the tollbooth, offer to pay for a coffee for the person in line behind you. You never know what struggles those we encounter may be experiencing.

  2. Reach across the fence and get to know your community members. Cultivate an environment where clear communication is essential. Invite open dialogue. Bring bread to an elderly community member, offer to shovel a community members steps. Lend a community member a tool that they need, but might not have. Have a work exchange party where many hands make the task more enjoyable, rich and efficient.

  3. Pick up trash. Help to preserve the beauty of our community and the health of our planet. Gather a group of friends to clean up a street, trail or park. We do a street clean up on Beech Road every year on Earth Day.

  4. Volunteer in your local community. Check out the local organizations that we have given to. Learn more about what others are doing in your community to be of service for those in need.

  5. Make time for your friends & family. A simple phonecall, a suprise delivery of soup when they are sick, a kind word of recognition for all they bring to the world goes far in nurturing the health of our interpersonal relationships and community.

Be the change you wish to see in the world




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In response to the death of George Floyd and countless others who have lost their lives to unjust treatment, the Shilo Farm Community raised over $700 for BLACK VISION COLLECTIVE!

Thank you to all the teachers who donated their time and to all those who donated.


Slow Food Seacoast's Gleaned Garden Supper featured delicious wood-fired pizzas cooked in Shilo Farm's cobb oven, collaboratively builtwith love by members of the community.
All of these wonderful food items were prepared mostly from gleaned produce ("seconds" or excess produce) from local farms. The purpose of preparing the food in this manner is to raise awareness about food waste and the issues surrounding our current food system.
All proceeds went towards supporting Slow Food Seacoast's mission of working towards a healthier food system through local and place-based food advocacy, events, and educational opportunities. August 25, 2018


We had the honor of donating our property to the first ever Rett’s Roost Retreat for families who had children just ending treatment for cancer. We met and fell in love with the Tajima’s, Kindstedt’s, and the Light families and of course the Deana and Jim Cavan who are the founders of Rett’s Roost. Rett’s Roost was created following the loss of their sweet boy Rett to a rare childhood cancer at 9months. Since Septembere 2015, we have hosted 4 retreats and a Benefit dinner to support their mission.


Community members and friends joined together to construct the community hearth. All materials were harvested from the property, with the exception of the firebricks. Since it’s construction in 2014, it has cooked over 500 pizzas!


Rett's Roost's Harvest Moon Gala was a farm to table feast and auction with all proceeds for the event going to Rett's Roost, a 501c community which provides free weekend retreats throughout New England for families who have been touched by childhood cancer. October ‘15


Soul Models is a nonprofit organization that serves middle school aged girls in the Southern Maine and Seacoast area. The program curriculum follows the central themes of self-care incorporating mind, body, spirit, and heart..

These young women learned how to help and support our hens with wing clipping. And together with teamwork and a bit of ingenuity and elbow grease, they collectively built a platform for the goats to help keep them active in the winter. March ‘18